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AsyncHeartbeat Addition for ImanitySpigot3 [SPECIAL OFFERS INCLUDED]
Started by bean

Hey everyone!


We hope you are ready for the upcoming holidays!

Earlier last week, Imanity started working on our first paid addition called AsyncHeartbeat.


Today, we introduce you to the first paid addition for ImanitySpigot3, called AsyncHeartbeat! 🎈



Interested about what is AsyncHeartbeat? Read on to find out more!


▶ What is this?


The main feature of this addition is heartbeat (or keep-alive) got handled fully async, this will improve the quality of connection a lot more. This feature also gives you the ability to change a player's keep-alive rate by using API or configuration.

You also have events for listening to keep-alive requests and responses.


▶ But why does heartbeat (or keep-alive) have to be handled in async?


There are 2 major reasons:


1. The keep-alive was handled in the main thread it's will largely be impacted by the main thread, if the server lags a little bit the ping becomes not precise, the worst case could cause player timeout because keep-alive are not being handled.


2. Reversely, the main thread can be impacted by handling keep-alive to cause lag.


▶ How does Addition work?


AsyncHeartbeat is what we call "Addition" in ImanitySpigot3. You don't need to install it, once you purchase the Addition, it will be linked to your license and will be available to use when you launch the spigot. If you have this addition, a configuration file will also be created so you can change the desired options.


▶ Special Offers

The first 10 customers can purchase AsyncHeartbeat for only $8.99.

Use coupon code DEC2021ASYNCHB at checkout to apply this special offer!


